KGL Operating Manual – VS 3010 BS
29 178
These capacity stages that are assigned to the FC compressor are disabled for the operation with a single-
stage FC compressor using the manual control switch(es) and the corresponding parameters (menu 3-1).
Nothing is connected to the corresponding relay stages.
The capacity-controlled fixed-speed compressors are connected to the compressor relay stages (see diagram
of the example system).
Under the menu item System Configuration (menu 3-1), the following settings must be made for
the example system described above:
= 4 Number of compressors in the pack
Comp. No Z1
= 2 Number of capacity stages per compressor in the pack
Anz L-Stufen Z1
In the submenu
, the capacity stages assigned to the FC compressor using the parameters
Freig. Z1 Verd.
(two-stage compressor) and/or
(three-stage compressor) must be disabled.
Stufe 2
In the menu Compressor Control (menu 3-2-1-1 , the following settings must be made for mentioned example
Control type Z1 = combined control
to-control combined with FC compressor and fixed-speed compressors
M.com.out.reg. = YES
This is used to specify that the stages of the fixed-speed compressors are loaded individually when
using compressor combined control (capacity control of the fixed-speed compressors is active).
NO in this case means that the fixed-speed compressors together with their capacity stages are always
loaded and unloaded completely (capacity control of the fixed-speed compressors is inactive).
The following settings must be made under 3
/ 6
for the above mentioned example
Base Load
= N In the case of a configuration with an FC compressor with integrated FC, the frequency
G.L.umsch.FU Z1
converter cannot be switched. The base load rotation according to the above time interval is only performed for
the fixed-speed compressors. Compressor control times for compressor combined control
On the one hand, the compressor control times are there to minimise unnecessary switching cycles of the
compressor stages, and on the other hand to optimally introduce the pack output (temporal and control action)
for the required refrigeration capacity.
Switching of fixed-speed compressors is only performed
if the control variable (to-actual_value) is outside the neutral zone
if a configured time for the shifting up or shifting down has elapsed
if the maximum or minimum speed of the frequency-controlled compressor is reached
Loading of the frequency-controlled compressor
The frequency-controlled compressor has a separate, freely configurable restart delay time.
This is designated as Off Time S1 Z1/Z2 and starts when the frequency-controlled compressor is
switched off.
In the case of positive control error, the frequency-controlled compressor is switched on immediately
when the Off Time S1 Z1/Z2 has elapsed.
The speed control is not enabled until after the switch-on and after expiry of the basic time. The speed-
controlled compressor is operated with the slowest speed until expiry of the basic time.
The shifting up or shifting down time restarts in the neutral zone and only runs if the control variable is outside
the neutral zone.
The shifting up or shifting down time is calculated from the sum of