KGL Operating Manual – VS 3010 BS
65 178
If the upper maximum value is exceeded, the associated compressor is switched off and disabled for the
following control processes after expiry of a configurable time delay (menu 3-3 Comp temp del.).
The compressor remains disabled until the temperature has dropped to the enable level. If the procedure is
repeated multiple times within one day (5 switching operations) and there is still more than one compressor
available in the refrigeration compressor pack, the compressor is permanently disabled and must be enabled
again manually (menu 3-1 Freig. Z1-Verd. / Freig. Z2-Verd.). A message about the automatic compressor
disable is output here (Auto disable Z1 Cx / Auto disable Z2 Cx). The disable of the last available compressor
(Z1/Z2) is not possible.
4.8.3 Automatic high prioritisation for compressor fault
In the event of a fault resulting in a compressor disable (caused by the motor overload cutout, oil pressure/HP
monitor or an excessive cylinder head temperature) of more than 50% of the compressors of a Z1/Z2 circuit,
the default message priority for the respective fault is set to 1. This takes place within the message priority
decade assigned to every maintenance group (x0…x9 x=number of the decade).
For example, a message generated by the triggering of the motor overload cutout for compressor 3 with the
preset message priority 31 is transformed into a message with the highest priority of the decade 3x: 31. This
results in the message being forwarded to the telephone number for the corresponding maintenance group as
stored in the CI 4000 / CI 3000 under all circumstances.
Exception: Automatic high prioritisation for messages about compressor faults with compressor disable
(caused by the motor overload cutout, oil pressure/HP monitor or an excessive cylinder head temperature) is
not performed if the number of compressors configured in the system configuration for the Z1/Z2 circuit is less
than or equal to 2.
4.8.4 Monitoring of the Z1/Z2 compressor speed controller
The Z1 / Z2 frequency converter is monitored via the following digital inputs:
Z1 circuit: Double assignment with the digital input of the
motor overload cutout of the Z1 circuit
Z2 circuit:
with the digital input of the
motor overload cutout of the Z2 circuit
Double assignment
If there is no voltage at the
the FC compressor is unloaded and no longer available for capacity
digital input,
regulation (in this case, the controller continues to operate as step controller)
the message "M.Schutz/FU Z1 V01" or
according to priority preselection (xx =
"M.Schutz/FU Z2 Vxx"
number of Z1 compr 1) .
The monitoring is
performed if the LP type of control has been configured as "combined control"
(menu 3-2-1-1 or 3-2-1-2)
4.8.5 Monitoring of the starts
The number of compressor switching operations per hour is limited to prevent too high switching frequency of
the compressors.