KGL Operating Manual – VS 3010 BS
172 178
For Version 2.0 and higher, an automatically generated message with the specified priority 0 (only archived in
the message list) is sent with the following text when any message priority is changed:
Prio M xxx:
p1 > p2
where xxx = message number
p1: old message priority
p2: new message priority
11.2.1 Automatic Prioritisation
In the event of a compressor fault, an alarm is automatically priority 1 if 50% of the compressors have failed
and the number of compressors is greater than two (parameter
in menu 3-1).
No. comps.
If an alarm priority has been selected for a maintenance group other than refrigeration technology (Prio. 0..9 –
in the decade 2x with e.g. alarm priority 20), automatic prioritisation causes the priority to be automatically
raised to 21, which only then results in the generation of an alarm signal. Here the message priority remains in
the pre-selected decade (maintenance group). Further information is provided in the store computer operating
11.3 Overview of all alarms and messages
EEPROM and RAM errors are fatal errors and cause the controller to go into the HALT state as correct
program execution can no longer be expected. Output signals are reset.
In the event of any
, condenser stages are switched off for stopped
fault in the high-pressure measuring circuit
compressors and switched on for running compressors. If compressors have been switched on manually,
capacity stages are also loaded. A switching operation is performed after expiry of the basic time. The variable
times are not taken into account.
In the event of any
, compressor capacity stages are loaded or
fault in the low-pressure measuring circuit
unloaded until approx. 50% of all available compressor capacity stages is in operation. A switching operation is
performed after expiry of the basic time. The variable times are not taken into account. In the event of
occurrence of all other
, operation continues with the last valid value for the duration of
measuring circuit errors
the fault.
Message text
Hardware error
RAM error
The internal data memory is defective
EEPROM error
The internal EEPROM (parameters memory) is defective
RTC error
Error in the real-time clock of the controller
int. SIOX error
ext. SIOX x
Internal SIOX extension module has failed
External SIOX extension module No. x has failed
Battery voltage
Internal battery fault
First start
First start of the controller with loading of default parameters
Power failure
Restart of the controller after a power failure
Mot. cutout Z2 Cx
Z2 compressor x motor overload cutout tripped
Mot. cutout Z1 Cx
Z1 compressor x motor overload cutout tripped
Mot. cutout fan.x
Condenser fan x motor overload cutout tripped