KGL Operating Manual – VS 3010 BS
28 178
Combined control with capacity-controlled fixed-speed compressors operating mode - parameter
= Yes
(Z1 circuit: menu 3-2-1-1 / Z2 circuit: menu 3-2-1-2)
With the combined control of capacity-controlled fixed-speed compressors, a single-stage speed controlled
compressor is combined with one or more capacity-controlled fixed-speed compressors.
In the case of combination of a single-stage speed-controlled compressor with capacity-controlled, i.e. multi-
stage, fixed-speed compressors, the performance boost when loading / unloading a fixed-speed compressor
capacity stage is lower than if a complete compressor would be loaded / unloaded.
The following simplified diagram shows an example of the connection of a system with a single-stage FC
compressor in combination with three two-stage fixed-speed compressors:
Diagram of the example system for Z1 circuit (Z2 circuit is not dealt with here)
Configuration and connection of the system
Connection:The single-stage FC compressor is enabled via the compressor relay stage 1 (terminals 13/14) of
the pack controller. Depending on the number of selected capacity stages (parameter
Anz. L-Sufen Z1 Anz. L-
Z2, menu 3-1), one or two additional capacity stages are reserved for the FC compressor:
If the number of selected capacity stages in the circuit is equal to two, the second relay stage (terminals
23/24) is assigned to the FC compressor.
If the number of selected capacity stages in the circuit is equal to three, the second and third relay
stages (terminals 23/24 and terminals 33/34) are assigned to the FC compressor.
These capacity stages that are assigned to the FC compressor are disabled for the operation with a single-