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Note the four holes used on the guy ring.
Guy Ring
Guy Ring mounted on antenna Carabineer open
Four 46 foot ropes are attached to the four insulators used for the bottom of the capacity hat. The
four 23 foot ropes are also attached to the four insulators and when tied should be 20’ 8” long.
Adjustments should be made to align the guy ropes in the manner that allows you to raise and lower
the antenna by only removing one set of guys from the earth anchors.
Anchors work very well for most installations and are available from DX Engineering. Tie the loose
ends of the four 46 foot ropes at four points 55 feet from the antenna. See the diagram on the next
page for details. The ropes should be snug, but not overly tight. The four ropes going from the earth
anchors to the capacity hat keep the wires properly spaced from the vertical antenna and the four
ropes going to the guy ring give the antenna stability. By adjusting the position of the Capacity Hat
and Guy Ring to have the ropes as shown below, only one set of guys needs to be loosened from
one earth anchor when pivoting the antenna.