SPA Actuator with Intelli-Motion™ Technology Manual R00
May 2022
Page 32 of 48
The speed control limits must be set as well (LowerHzLimit, UpperHzLimit). They are also in units of Hz x100. These
should be set to the appropriate values for the application. An example is an application that is consistently moving the
maximum full load capacity and therefore should not increase the speed beyond 60Hz. The LowerHzLimit could be set to
3000 (30Hz) and the UpperHzLimit could be set to 6000 (60Hz).
The limit pairs and active limit pair selector work together. This feature offers four user-set limits that can be switched
out at any given time, as well as a built-in end-of-stroke limit. The end-of-stroke limits are selected by setting the
ActiveLimitPair tag to 0. A limit pair is activated by setting the ActiveLimitPair tag to the matching number of the limit
pair (1 activates limit pair 1).
If only the built-in end-of-stroke limit is utilized, the four limit pair values (four pairs of Extend and Retract limits), can be
left at 0. However, if a limit pair is going to be activated, it should be set properly. For example, if an application is going to
use the end-of-stroke limits and limit pair 1 at different times, limit pair 1 should have valid values set. Limit pairs 2-4 can
be left at 0.
Additionally, the unit will not move if it is outside of the active limits. This means that the unit should be moved within the
limits of a new limit pair before it is activated.
As explained in
, the ControlMode tag should be set to one of these options:
0: No movement state
1: “Discrete” mode
2: “GOTO” mode
4.2.9 “Discrete” Mode Operation
If the tags are set appropriately, as defined in
, and the UDT is being copied to the output, and there
are no faults, the iSPA with Intelli-Motion can be controlled with the Enable, Extend, and Retract bits in the ControlBits tag.
In “Discrete” mode, an external observer (human, controller, machine, etc.) can determine when/where to stop a
movement, or the Extend and Retract limits can be set so that the iSPA stops the movement at the preset limit.
To begin an Extend movement, the actuator must not be at the active Extend limit. The Enable and Extend ControlBits must
be set to 1 and the Retract ControlBit must be set to 0.
To begin a Retract movement, the actuator must not be at the active Retract limit. The Enable and Retract ControlBits
must be set to 1 and the Extend ControlBit must be set to 0.
The StatusBits tag provides several feedback items that can be useful in “Discrete” mode.
GOTO” Mode Operation
In “GOTO” mode, the actuator is controlled with the Enable ControlBit and the TargetPosition tag. For a movement to
occur, the Enable ControlBit must be set to 1 and the TargetPosition must be within the stroke length (not negative, or
longer than the stroke). Once the iSPA has moved to the TargetPosition, the In_Position StatusBit
(StatusBits.In_Position) will be set.
If a TargetPosition is received that is outside of the active limits, the iSPA will move in the direction of the TargetPosition,
but will stop at the set limit. In a situation like this, the In_Position StatusBit will NOT be set, but the At_Extend_Limit or
At_Retract_Limit bit will be set.