SPA Actuator with Intelli-Motion™ Technology Manual R00
May 2022
Page 23 of 48
In the Registration window, click the appropriate radio button. Use “Register a single file” if you are installing the EDS file
as provided by CMCO. Locate the EDS file in the “Browse” menu and complete the Wizard.
4.2.4 Installing the User-Defined Data Type
The iSPA with Intelli-Motion has a User-Defined Data Type (UDT) to make working with the iSPA simple and
straightforward. The UDT contains all of the data formatting and naming information for both control messages
(Originator/PLC to Target/iSPA) and feedback messages (Target/iSPA to Originator/PLC). This capability allows the
programmer to work directly with variables, such as “Speed” and “Enable,” instead of formatting byte arrays.
Once you have obtained the file through the CMCO website (or other means), save it to your computer. In Studio 5000’s
“Controller Organizer” menu, locate “Assets.” Expand the menu and locate the submenu “User-Defined,” under “Data
Types.” Right-click on “User-Defined” and select “Import Data Type.”
Locate the UDT file that you saved and import it.