DResearch – User Manual TeleObserver MR3180
System overview and new functions in this version
System overview
Recording of video, audio, IBIS, GPS
Hybrid mode: recording of up to 8 analogue and digital camera signals
Formats - analogue: H264, CIF + 2CIF; digital: MJPEG, up to 1 MPx
Hard disks: HDD / SSD (S-ATA) with capacity between 80 and 250 GB
Recording into separated archives (alarm, pre-alarm, ring)
Automatic deleting of archives, configurable hold-back time and maximum recording time
Operating modes: pause, continuous recording, sleep
Selftest of the unit and automatic securing of the data integrity
Digital inputs for switches / buttons and alarm detectors
Digital relay outputs to switch external devices
Robust and fanless design, vandal safe
Vehicle fit and certified in accordance to e1 and EN50155
Extensive configuration options
Ethernet interfaces, serial interface RS232, 485
Sending SMS in the case of an alarm and for defined system events
Data security: multi-level access protection, digital signing of the recorded data
Numerous detectors for system disorders, motion and sabotage detection for analogue cameras
Logically combinable system detectors and allocation of defined actions
And much more…
A detailed overview of the possibilities of the system is given in this document and further
information materials, like system description or application concepts from DResearch –
request them or visit us on our website:
New features in this firmware – version 6.1
Suspension of the overheating protection: The upper temperature shutdown level can be
increased – during the update – with the update tool from +55°C to +70°C. Please note the
instruction of the update tool and the corresponding annotations in this document.
Definable default configuration: During the update with the update tool you can specify if the
factory settings of the manufacturer or the current configuration of the system shall be defined as
default configuration. This default configuration will be loaded by a factory reset. Please note the
instruction of the update tool and the corresponding annotations in this document.