DResearch – User Manual TeleObserver MR3180
General settings
Shut down device if
ignition is deactivated
If this option is activated the device will be shut down by deactivating the ignition
or the other shut down signal. Exception: Existing connections between the PC
and the system (through WLAN, Ethernet) will be switched off by the system after
cancelling the connection.
If the option is disabled, the system will shut down after all processing times,
stopping alarm records and after dismantling an established research connection.
System follow up time
After the ignition is switched off the device remains active in the recording mode
for this period.
Controlled shutdown after this period has elapsed.
System language
Language options for standard names of sensors, cameras and relays.
User-defined names are not affected by this setting.
Video output
Text insertions in the
video output (OSD)
Display of text insertions (OSD) through the video OUT on a monitor
Additional display of:
Camera name
Activated sensor
System events (no camera signal, movement, etc.)
Standard version
Choice of the camera signal which is to be shown on the external monitor as
standard when the MR3140 is switched on.
Caution: If you already have activated a camera in the dialogue „Activations“ for
displaying, side effects can occur. Only use one of these options.
Automatic switching of
video output after
Activating the checkbox enables the display of
the video sequences from all cameras
or multi-views (quad view etc.)
changing at regular intervals (beginning with the camera selected under standard
Video footage from up to 12 IP cameras can be displayed at the control monitor.
The delay setting for the camera switching at the video output.
Continuation of the continuous video output (beginning with the camera signal
defined as standard output) after the set time (as defined in automatically
video output transfer after) has elapsed.
Configuration of the video output display format (in selection tree).
Archive settings
Size of hard disk
Display the hard disk size (in the MR3180 unit).
Limit the size of
permanent recordings to
This allows limiting the recording time in real hours.
Time refers to the really recorded time (so not the date or time stamp of the
recordings). A value of 24 hours is equal to 24 really recorded hours. Recording is
possible about 4 or 5 calendar days.
Once this time has elapsed the device automatically over-writes the data – first
the oldest ones (FIFO principle).
If you do NOT activate this checkbox the device will record data until the hard
disk capacity is full. After reaching this limit automatic over-writing of the oldest
data takes place.