The REMOTE SETTING tab allows you to make some adjustments to certain DVR settings.
The menu options that can be adjusted include:
• Alarm Parameters
• PTZ Parameters
• Network Parameters
• Device Parameters
• Device Management
• Local Settings
Each function works much like the MAIN MENU options on the DVR.
You can adjust the display name, the position, as well as the record time. You can also enable and set up
a privacy zone.
Changing the camera NAME:
1. Select the camera next to channel.
2. Click the NAME box and a keyboard will appear.
3. Enter the NAME of the camera then select enter
to close the keyboard.
4. Select SAVE in the upper right corner to save
your changes.
5. Repeat the steps above for all desired cameras.
Changing the title position:
1. Click the box next to POSITION and a drop down
list will open.
2. Select the position of the name on the camera
screen. If you do not want the name to
be displayed, set the POSITION to OFF.
3. Select SAVE in the upper right corner to save
your changes.
4. Repeat for all desired cameras.