Status Indicator
LED blinking pattern
No lights
Only red LED flashing
Green and red LED flashing
Power not OK or data not initiated.
Wait for CLU to start up.
CLU transmit data, but no data
is received from devices.
Communication OK:
CLU transmit and receive data.
The CLU has a heartbeat interval of 7200 seconds. A heartbeat timeout will be set when the
CLU no longer connect to CloudCharge. The heartbeat function works in addition to the
operational data traffic, and all changes to the charge points will be transmitted in real time.
For facilities with energy meters connected to the charge point(s), the energy meter data
will be sent to CloudCharge only when a vehicle is charging. Existing energy meter value
will be sent once a vehicle is connected and a transaction is started. When a transaction
begins, the energy meter data will be transmitted to backend every 900 seconds. Ending the
transaction will also end the transmission of energy meter data.
17. Troubleshooting
The CLU has two LED indicators. The red LED is the CLUs power indicator and the green LED
is the CLUs status indicator. When powering up the CLU the green LED will periodically flash
rapidly. The red LED will light up continuously.
1. No LEDs are flashing
• Check power source and connection between 5V LVPS and the CLU.
2. Both LEDs are continuously lit
• Turn the power off, extract the SD card and wait 30 seconds. Then insert the SD card
and power up the CLU.
3. Only the red LED is continuously lit, green LED is off
• Turn the power off, extract the SD card and wait 30 seconds. Then insert the SD card
and power up the CLU.
If the above actions do not fix the problem, contact DEFA support. SD card may be defective.
Power LED
Status LED
The USB interface has one red and
one green LED indicator. Both will
flash once when powering the CLU.
Within 150 seconds the two LEDs
will flash rapidly every second. Every
red blink indicates data transmitted
to an address in the network, and
a flashing green LED indicates data
received by the CLU.
1. Only the red LED is flashing
Green LED
(data receive)
(data transmit)
• Check the wiring by connecting a device with DEFA CPC to the end of the BUS. All
nodes should be available from this point.
• Check the configuration of the connected nodes.
2. No LEDs are flashing
• See troubleshooting for CLU.
3. Green and red LEDs are flashing, but charging will not start
• Check the addresses of the connected nodes. If two charge points has the same
address, none of them will be able to start charging.
If the above actions do not fix the problem, contact DEFA support. The USB interface may be