X64 Xcelera-HS PX8 User's Manual
X64 Xcelera-HS PX8 Cables & Accessories
Product Number
CMD cable assembly
(I/O 15 pin Micro D connector with 6 ft. blunt end cable)
This cable assembly connects to J1.
(see J1: CMD15 Male External Signals Connector)
(optional) X64 Xcelera-HS PX8 can be shipped with an External Signals
Connector Bracket Assembly, either with a DB37 or DB25 connector (see
the two product numbers below). Either cable, if required, should be specified
at the time of order. Note: clients requiring a limited number of I/Os, can
also use the CMD15 connector that is on the main bracket.
DB37 assembly
see External Signals Connector Bracket Assembly (Type 1).
This cable assembly connects to J4.
DB25 assembly
see External Signals Connector Bracket Assembly (Type 2).
Provides direct compatibility with external cables made for products such as
the X64-CL iPro. This cable assembly connects to J4.
(optional) Cable assembly to connect to J11 (RS-422 Shaft Encoder Inputs)
Contact Sales at
Teledyne DALSA
(optional) Cable assembly to connect to J9 (Board Sync)
Connecting 2 boards
Connection 3 or 4 boards
(optional) Power interface cable required when one wants to use 12V or 5V
supplied on the IO cable assembly.
(optional) CX4 Cable:
Contact Sales at
Teledyne DALSA
Table 3: X64 Xcelera-HS PX8 Cables & Accessories