GLV-540 User Manual
Table 26: Device Monitor: SIP Trace
Device Monitor: SIP Trace
SIP Trace
Shows the SIP trace messages. A large text box is provided
for displaying the online SIP trace messages at GUI. To use
the scroll bar to view the previous messages, click “Pause”
button, which stops receiving on-line SIP trace messages
from that time and use up arrow and down arrow to view all
the SIP trace messages. To continue receiving on-line
SIP trace messages, click “Resume” button.
Pause: Click on this button to stop receiving the online
messages and view all the SIP trace previous messages.
Resume: Click on this button to continue receiving the
online messages. Once it is selected you cannot view all the
previous SIP trace messages until you pause.
Save to PC: Click on this button to save the all the SIP trace
messages on to the PC. It is saved as “glv_siptrace.log”
Clear All: Click on this to clear all the SIP trace messages
from the GUI. Once this is selected all the previous
messages will be lost from the device memory. For settings
about the SIP trace messages configurations, refer to
“Device Management / Debug Setup” page.
Table 27: Device Management: Apply Changes
Apply Changes
Each page on GUI where configuration settings can be
modified has “SAVE” button. Make any required
modifications and click on SAVE button of every page where
modifications are done. To permanently save changes to the
device, click on “Apply Changes” button on this page.
Changes in some fields may require device to restart the
application and in that case the current calls will be
Save and restart may lose browser connection. If device IP
mode is changed or enabled DHCP mode / PPPOE mode,
access the device web using the new IP address.
Table 28: Restart System
Restart System
Click on “Restart” button to restart the device. If any
changes are made to the configuration will be asked to
APPLY. Clicking on APPLY will save the changes before doing
restart, otherwise they will be lost. Also the active calls will
be disconnected on doing restart.
Save and restart may lose browser connection. If device IP
mode is changed or enabled DHCP mode / PPPOE mode,
access the device web using the new IP address.