GLV-540 User Manual
What will happen if Config Restore is done for Admin with the backup files
of user.
It depends on the Number of User profiles and Account parameters in that
Backup Configurations. If the Backup sysconfig.xml contains only one user
and one Account then the above Config Restore should be success. If the
backup sysconfig.xml contains more than one user profile or Accounts then
the Config Restore will be failed.
What are the supported file formats for Tone download?
You can download files with “.wav” or “.WAV” format files,
with Format as
u-law / a-law at 8,000 khz, 8 bit Mono.
How can I prepare .wav files for Tone download?
From Windows, you can use standard sound recorder which can convert
wav to a-law / u-law.
For Windows Sound recorder, you can follow the steps:
Open Sound Recorder from “Accessories->Entertainment” section.
Open any wave clip which is around 10 seconds or less than 10
seconds in length.
Go to “File->Save as” in the Open folder box, select “Change” button
and select format as “CCIT a-law” or “CCIT u-law” and select
attribute as “8,000 khz, 8 bit Mono” and click on “ok” button.
Mention your file name and select save type as “.wav” and click on
What is the Maximum size of the Tone file to be downloaded?
For Normal Tone download files, the size is 100 KB. For all tones zip file,
you can download maximum upto 800 KB.
For All tones place all the audio files in a folder named “Tone” and zip the
folder, name as For All tones, it includes max upto 8 tone files.
Tone file names should be with exact matching names like
I downloaded Ring tone wave file but it is still playing normal Ring tone,
If Country Code is other than “Others”,
you might have configured
your ring tone as other than “Custom Ring”, Change your ring tone
to “Custom” from “User Configuration->Features->Ring type”
setting. Even after this if still it is not playing, check whether your
Phone book settings entry Ring type is Custom.
If your Country Code is “Others”, modify in your “Device->Tone
Settings” page your configured ring type as “Sound”.