GLV-540 User Manual
Table 14: Speed Dial
Speed Dial :
This page allows you to see and manage the speed dial entries. For each
User, there is a separate speed dial List. A maximum of 100 entries for each
user is allowed. The numbers in speed dial can be dialed through speed dial
menu or dialing speed ID Access code with Speed dial Index.
Admin can view / Add / Delete / Edit any user speed dial entries. Other users
can view / Add / Delete / Edit only his speed dial entries.
User ID
Admin user can view any user’s phone book entries by
selecting the User ID, whereas other users can only view his
phone book settings and this field is non-editable.
Value Range
: List of Available UserID’s
Default Value
: User1
Click on the icon in “Edit” column to modify the existing
speed dial entry. The corresponding values will be loaded in
“Speed Dial ID”, “Name”, and “Destination Number” text
boxes for that entry. You can modify any of these fields and
click “Save” button to apply the changes. At any time you
can click on “Cancel” button to discard the changes. Click
“Close” to come out from this Edit page.
Click on the icon in “Delete” column to delete the existing
speed dial entry.
Add New
Click on the “Add New” button to add any new speed dial
entry. This will open a new page
With “Speed Dial ID”, “Name”, and “Destination Number” as
text boxes. Here “Speed Dial ID” and “Destination Number”
are mandatory and “Name” indicates the display name, it
can be optional. You can click “Save” button to apply the
changes to the Speed dial List. At any time you can click on
“Cancel” button to discard the changes. Click “Close” to
come out from this page.
Save To PC
Clicking on the “Save to PC” button will save all the speed
dial entries into a file “sd_userID.csv” in you PC in .CSV
The downloaded file after save to PC will have only changes
done till last “Save”.
The file will have the following fields.
: The speed dial id. (0-99)
: The display name of the number associated with
speed dial ID.
: The number associated with the speed dial ID.
Clear All
Click on the “Clear All” will clear all the entries from the
speed dial List and the speed dial list will be empty.
Speed Dial
from PC
File Name: The file name with path of the speed dial to be
restored and this should be in .csv format.
Value Range
: File Name with Path, max 125
Default Value
: None
Browse: Used for selecting the path and speed dial file name
on the PC for restoring the speed dial from PC. This will open
a window to select the file, this file should be with .csv
extension and clicking on the Open button will copy the path
to the file name text box.