GLV-540 User Manual
Table 13: Phone Book: - Other Features
Phone Book :
Like in mobile phone, Phone book helps to maintain the name and number
combinations of frequent calls. The phone book is useful the following ways.
Make outgoing calls from the phone book
Name dialing (in the next release)
Identifies caller ID for incoming and outgoing call from the book and
displays the same on LCD
To place peer to peer calls without going through VoIP server
Making peer-to-peer calls using Phone book is allowed only when “Peer-to-
Peer” flag is Enable at “User Configuration / Features / Others” page.
For each User, there is a separate Phone book List.
Admin users can view / Add / Delete / Edit any user ID’s phone book entries.
Other users can view / Add / Delete / Edit only his phone book entries.
The phone book can accommodate a maximum of 100 entries for each user.
: Phone Book entries can be added from web GUI as well as LCD
User ID
Admin user can view any user’s phone book entries by
selecting the User ID, whereas other users can only view his
phone book settings and this field is non-editable.
Value Range
: List of Available UserID’s
Default Value
: User1
Click on the icon in “Edit” column to modify the existing
phone book entry. The corresponding values will be loaded in
“Name”, “Number” text boxes and “Ringtype” drop down list
will show the current configured ring type for that entry. You
can modify any of these values and click “Save” button to
apply the changes. At any time you can click on “Cancel”
button to discard the changes. Click “Close” to come out
from this Edit page
Click on the icon in “Delete” column to delete the existing
phone book entry.
Add New
Click on the “Add New” button to add any new phone book
entry. This will open a new page with “Name”, “Number” as
text boxes and “Ringtype” as drop down list. Add a valid
entry and click “Save” button to apply the changes to the
Phone book List. At any time you can click on “Cancel”
button to discard the changes. When Phone book entries
reach maximum limit i.e. 100, you may not be allowed to
add a new entry till any of the existing entry is deleted.
Save To PC
Clicking on the “Save to PC” button will save all the phone
book entries into a file “pb_userID.csv” in .CSV format on
your PC.
The downloaded file after save to PC will have only changes
done till last “save”.
The file in .CSV format has the following fields:
: The display name
: The phone number
: The ring tone ID associated with the number.
: Group ID associated with the number.
Clear All
Click on the “Clear All”, will clear all the entries from the
Phone book List and the Phone book list would become