GLV-540 User Manual
To receive debug messages at a remote syslog server, configure the following
values in “Debug Configuration”:
Debug Mode = “Syslog”
Debug Level = “Debug”
Syslog server address = IP address or domain name of remote
syslog server
Port = remote syslog server port (default 514)
To view debug messages through the Web interface, configure the following
values in “Debug Configuration”:
Debug Mode = “Web”
Debug Level = “Debug”
Access “Device Monitor->Debug Messages” link to view the debug messages
through the Web Browser.
To disable syslog set Debug Mode to “None”
An option “Save to PC” is provided to facilitate saving the debug messages
displayed on the Web to a file. This can be used to provide a file containing
debug log information while reporting issues to customer support.
Remote Monitoring using E-mail
GLV provides remote alarm monitoring through e-mail. Administrator can
configure an e-mail address to which e-mail will be sent for alarms occurring
at the IP Phone.
To configure remote monitoring through e-mail, one needs to login with
“Admin” privilege. The e-mail configuration can be accessed through the Web
browser at “Device Management -> Debug Setup” web page.
Please configure the “Alarm level” to filter alarms by importance or criticality.
The Alarm level configuration is available on the same web page, under the
section “Debug Configuration”