Installing the PR2000
PR2000 Installation Guide
1.3 Connecting the configuration Console
The configuration console is recommended for the initial setup of the PR2000.
After the basic configuration is completed, the console is no longer required but
it will still useful for hardware diagnosis, additional configuration, management
and monitoring.
When a console terminal is not available, it is possible to configure the PR2000
using telnet (see the Configuring the PR2000 without a console section in
chapter 2 after completing the physical installation described in this chapter).
The console can be any VT100-compatible serial terminal. Typically, it is a PC
or workstation with a terminal emulation program (Windows with Hyper
Terminal, or Unix/Linux with cu or minicom, for example). In this case, the
console port is normally connected to the COM2 serial port (the mouse is
usually on COM1).
Set the following line parameters in your terminal emulation program:
Serial Speed: 9600 bps
Data length : 8 bit
Parity: none
Stop Bits: 1 stop-bit
Flow Control: hardware flow-control or none
The Console connector on the PR2000 back panel provides an RS-232 DTE
interface on a RJ-45 modular jack.
Connect the configuration console to the Console port of the PR2000 using the
provided cross-cable (Console cable). If you need to build your own cable,
refer to the console port pinout in Appendix A.
The console can also be remote to the PR2000. In this case, the PR2000
console port is connected to a dial-in modem by a straight-through cable (not