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If DTMF Command Control has been enabled the operation is performed as follows.
Call the control panel.
When the panel answers it will play the message “Enter your code followed by the # key”.
At that point enter in your DTMF Code (program location P63E for Area Arm/Disarm or P175E12E for Output control)
followed by the # key on the phone.
DTMF Arming and Disarming
If for example the DTMF code to remotely arm and disarm Area 1 (P63E1E) was 1234 and Area 1 was disarmed,
when you enter the Area 1 DTMF code;
1234 # -
(you will hear the message “Area 1 Disarmed”)
If you then press the * key it will change the state or Area 1, eg
- (you will hear the message “Area 1 Armed”)
DTMF Output Control
If for example the DTMF code to remotely control Outputs (P175E12E) was 9876 and you were controlling Output 1
(which was currently Off), when you enter the Output DTMF code followed by output 1 (01);
9876 01 # -
(you will hear the message “Output 1 Off”)
If you then press the * key it will change the state of Output 1, eg
- (you will hear the message “Output 1 On”)
Exiting DTMF Control Mode
When all DTMF remote control functions are completed you can either hang up the phone and the control panel will
hang up automatically in 15 seconds or you can press;
00 #
- (you will hear “Goodbye”) and the panel will hang up immediately.