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P168E 1-64E Value = 01-32 for Outputs 1-32
Option 01 = Output 1 - Option 32 = Output 32
If zones are programmed for near and confirmed alarms (P46E option 1 on), it is also possible to get an indication of
a Confirmed Alarm from any of the 32 Outputs using this program location. A Confirmed Alarm is the second alarm
from a different zone to the one that caused the Near Alarm and must happen within 45 minutes of the near alarm.
Program FULL LCD KP “Zone” Name Text
- P169E 1-64E
Each Keypad can have a custom name that will be displayed when in Idle and Memory Mode. The FULL LCD KP
“Zone” name text is programmed at this location.
Access Control Door Monitor Linked to OUTPUT -
P6174E 1-64E Value = 01-32 for Outputs 1-32
A zone can be linked to an access door output at this address. When linked the zone can be used as a door monitor
for “Door Forced” or “Door left open too long” monitoring or it can force the door open (see addresses P6175E &
P6176E for more details). If the value at this address is set to 0 the zone acts as a normal zone with no access
control features.
Access Control Options
- P6175E 1-64E
Any zone can be used to monitor an access control door or control that door as per the options below:
Option 0 = Disabled, no access monitor options
Option 1 = Access Door Monitoring
Option 2 = Access Door REX button
Option 3 = Egress button - hold door open
Option 4 = Global Egress - hold all Egress doors open
Option 5 = Global Fire Egress - hold all access doors open
Option 0
Disabled, no access monitor options
- The zone will work as a normal zone.
Option 1
Access Door Monitoring
- If option 1 is selected the zone will be a door monitor for the output
programmed at P6174E. If the door is opened but the associated output is off a “Door Forced” alarm will
be created. If the output is on and the door opened but the door is still open when the output resets a
“Door left open too long” alarm will be created. If the panel is set up to report to a monitoring station
these alarms will also be reported. When the input seals the alarms will reset automatically.
Option 2
Access Door REX Button -
It option 2 is selected the zone will unlock the associated door (output) for
the programmed reset time when the input is triggered.
Option 3
Egress Button -
If option 3 is selected the zone the door (output) and override the programmed reset
time. The output will remain on once triggered. There are two ways to reset this state. The first is the
output will turn off as soon as the input is sealed again provided option 3 is turned on at program
location P6176E. If option 3 at P6176E is off the output will latch on and must be reset by a valid user
code. Only user codes with option 7 on at address P4E can reset an Egress input.
Option 4
Global Fire Egress -
If turned ON it sets the input to be a Global Fire Egress Input. When the Global
Fire Egress Input is triggered it will turn on all outputs associated with zones (P6174E) that are set to
type 1-5 at address P6175E. The outputs will remain on once triggered until either the input resets or a
code is entered. Whether the outputs auto-reset or latch on can be set at the new program location
P6176E. If option 3 at P6176E is off the outputs will latch on and must be reset by a valid user code.
Only user codes with option 7 on at address P4E can reset a Global Fire Egress input. If option 3 is on
the outputs will reset as soon as the input seals.
Option 5
Global Egress -
If turned ON it sets the input to be a Global Egress Input. When the Global Egress
Input is triggered it will turn on all outputs associated with zones (P6164E) that are set to options 3, 4 or
5 at address P6175E. The outputs will remain on once triggered until either the input resets or a code is
entered. Whether the outputs auto-reset or latch on can be set at the new program location P6176E. If