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Response Setting 17 - 600 ms
Response Setting 26 - 1050 ms
Any of the 64 zones can be made radio zones. There are multiple types of radio detectors that can be used on the
panel. It is important to set the correct radio type for the detector being used so that all of the special functions such
as battery low signals, tamper alarms, reed switch open/close signals and supervision signals can all be monitored
- P127E 1-64E Value 1-35
Radio Type 0 - Generic
Radio Type 1 - Crow Merlin PIR (supervised signal ignored)
Radio Type 2 - Crow Merlin PIR (supervised signal active)
Radio Type 3 - Freewave with checksum (supervised signal active)
Radio Type 4 - Freewave with checksum (Non-supervised)
Radio Type 5 - Crow AE series battery Low
Radio Type 6 - Crow AE series Radio Reed Switch
Radio Type 11 - Ness Radio devices Battery Low
Radio Type 12 - Ness Radio Reed Switch
Radio Type 31 - Visonic K900 Radio PIR
Radio Type 32 - Visonic Powercode (supervised signal ignored)
Radio Type 33 - Visonic Powercode (supervised signal active)
Type 0
- If you wish to use a detector that is not on the above list then set the type a “0” and the panel
will still respond to the radio detector every time the learnt code is received.
Type 1
Crow Merlin PIR (unsupervised) -
If a Crow Merlin radio PIR is used on the panel select Type 1 so the
panel correctly recognizes the alarm, tamper & battery low signal from the device. The automatic
supervised signal sent every 40 minutes by the PIR is ignored in this mode.
Type 2
Crow Merlin PIR (supervised) -
If a Crow Merlin radio PIR is used selecting Type 2 will allow the panel
to correctly recognize the alarm, tamper & battery low signal from the device. Selecting this option also
starts the supervise timer (P25E4E). The supervise timer is constantly being reset while valid
supervisory signals are being received from the detector. If no supervise signals are received from the
PIR within the supervise timer value a supervised alarm is generated.
Type 3
Freewave with checksum (supervised signal active) -
If a Crow Freewave radio PIR is used
selecting Type 3 will allow the panel to correctly recognize the alarm, tamper & battery low signal from
the device. Selecting this option also starts the supervise timer (P25E4E). The supervise timer is
constantly being reset while valid supervisory signals are being received from the detector. If no
supervise signals are received from the PIR within the supervise timer value a supervised alarm is
Type 4
Freewave with checksum (non-supervised) -
If a Crow Freewave radio PIR is used selecting Type 4
will allow the panel to correctly recognize the alarm, tamper & battery low signal from the device. The
automatic supervisory signal sent by the PIR is ignored in this mode.
Type 5
Crow AE Series Battery Low
- If a Crow (AE) radio pendant or PIR is used on the panel selecting Type
5 allows the panel to correctly recognize the battery low and tamper signals from Crow (AE) devices.
Type 6
Crow AE Series Radio Reed Switch
- If a Crow (AE) radio reed switch is used on the panel selecting
Type 6 allows the panel to correctly recognize the open and closed signals from the reed switch so the
zone LED can follow the correct state of the reed switch (ie open or closed). It also recognizes the
battery low signal from the Crow (AE) device.
Type 11
Ness Battery Low
- If a Ness radio pendant or PIR is used on the panel selecting Type 11 allows the
panel to correctly recognize the battery low and tamper signals from Ness devices.
Type 12
Ness Radio Reed Switch
- If a Ness radio reed switch is used on the panel selecting Type 12 allows
the panel to correctly recognize the battery low and tamper signals from the Ness device. It also
recognizes the open and closed signals from the reed switch so the zone LED can follow the correct
state of the reed switch (ie open or closed)
Type 31
Visonic Radio PIR -
If a Visonic K900 radio PIR is used on the panel selecting Type 31 allows the panel
to correctly recognize the alarm, tamper & battery low signal from this device.
Type 32
Visonic Powercode (unsupervised) -
If a Visonic Powercode radio device is used on the panel