6.5 Protective operation for output overvoltage
Output overvoltage protection function is operated when the output voltage becomes high.
The operation threshold and the way of the output over voltage protection function can be
changed respectively at VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT [ 40h ] and
VOUT_OV_FAULT_RESPONSE [ 41h ] . In case the way of stopping latch stop,
Power Supply does not restore until restored operation is done by ON/OFF function(clause 6.1)
or re-invert after insulating input.
When the number of automatic recovery is set by 1-6 times, latch stop will be happened
without situation of abnormal power supply is recovered during re-starting up by specific
number of times.
6.6 Protective operation for output undervoltage
Output undervoltage protection function is operated when the output voltage becomes low.
The operation threshold and the way of the output under voltage protection function can be
changed respectively by VOUT_UV_FAULT_LIMIT [ 44h ] and
VOUT_UV_FAULT_RESPONSE [ 45h ]. In case the way of stopping latch stop,
Power Supply does not restore until restored operation is done by ON/OFF function(clause 6.1)
or re-invert after insulating input.
When the number of automatic recovery is set by 1-6 times, latch stop will be happened
without situation of abnormal power supply is recovered during re-starting up by specific
number of times.
Applications manual
For CHS300/400/500-
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