2 Contour Shuttle Application
The Contour Shu0le applicaAon (Figure 2.0) allows you to manage your Shu0le device by
defining and/or modifying applicaAon seKngs. ApplicaAon seKngs are the individual sets of
acAons associated to the Shu0le components for a pre-‐determined applicaAon.
Changes made to the applicaAon seKngs take effect immediately. The Shu0le applicaAon does
need to be open when you use the Shu0le device.
The soOware automaAcally detects the program you are using and automaAcally switches to
the correct applicaAon seKngs associated with the applicaAon.
2.1 Application Overview
The Contour Shu0le ApplicaAon, allows you to manage all Shu0le devices (Shu0lePRO v2,
Shu0lePRO and Shu0leXpress). Your Shu0le devices will be automaAcally selected as soon as you
plug the device into your computer.
Figure 2.0