The scrolling frequency can be set in the Frequency Menu, for both Shu0le and Jog posiAons. Run Macro (Shu/lePRO v2 only)
This acAon allows you to use a Shu0le component to activate a macro you have created.
Choosing an exisAng macro from the pull-‐down menu or create a new macro within the Contour
Shu0le applicaAon. To learn more about how create new macros, refer to chapter 6
(Programming macros Shu0lePRO v2 only).
2.3.5 Comment Field
Use the Comment Field to save a comment or descripAon of a command. Click in the field and
type in a descripAon. Then push Enter or Return. These comments will show up if you choose the
Export Se.ngs Info...
3 Using your Shu/le device
Before reviewing this secAon,
open the Contour Shu/le applicaIon
(refer to secAon 2.2 if you
need help).
This secAon covers how to use and modify exisAng seKngs.
Changes you perform on seKngs will
take effect immediately
3.1 Going Through ExisIng SeKngs
To view the Shu0le component seKngs for a specific applicaAon:
Choose an applicaAon from the ApplicaAon SeKng Menu.
Press each of the bu0ons of your Shu0le device controller (or select them in the User
AcAon Menu) to see what the bu0on is programmed to do.
Move the Jog and the Shu0le on your Shu0le device (or select the Jog/Shu0le
posiAons and the Shu0le transiAons in the User AcAon Menu) to see acAons programmed
for each posiAon of the Jog and Shu0le components.