7 UpdaIng or Uninstalling Shu/le Device SoNware
Periodically, Contour provides soOware updates, available on our website. We encourage you to
stay current with your soOware to avoid incompaAbiliAes with applicaAons and seKng
features. Shu0le Device soOware is available at:
You will need to uninstall the exisAng driver before installing the new version. When uninstalling,
you’ll be prompted whether to remove or keep the exisAng seKngs in the Control Panel.
If you choose the
opAon, it is strongly recommended that you export any
applicaAon seKngs that you have created or modified before uninstalling. AlternaAvely, write
down all the parameters for each seKng that you wish to keep and use later on. You will have to
import saved applicaAon seKngs or reprogram all custom applicaAon seKngs into the newly
installed version.
Please refer to secAon 5.3 for guidance on how to export seKngs.
Note: By checking the ‘Also delete all Contour Shu0le seKngs files opAon’,
all seKngs (factory,
customized and user-‐created) of any user on the system will be deleted.
If you choose the
opAon, you will have the opAon to export any seKngs you wish to save or
share before uninstalling, refer to secAon 5.3 for guidance on how to export seKngs.
7.1 UpdaIng from versions previous to version 3
You need to uninstall version previous installaAons of the driver before installing the new version.
The uninstaller is included in the new driver package and will remove
seKngs within the
Control Panel.
It is strongly recommended that you export any applicaAon seKngs that you have created or
modified before uninstalling. AlternaAvely, write down all the parameters for each seKng that
you wish to keep and use later on. You will have to import saved applicaAon seKngs or
reprogram all custom applicaAon seKngs into the newly installed version.