In order for this opAon to work efficiently, all seKngs for a program MUST have this opAon
enabled, preferably all on the same bu0on.
For instance, if you have three (3) different seKngs for a specific program, you could define Bu0on
1 as ‘Switch SeKngs’ for all the three sets of seKngs. When the program is first loaded, the default
seKng for this program is the first seKng that is listed in the ApplicaAon SeKng Menu. When you
press Bu0on 1, you will switch to the second seKng. And when you press it again, you will switch
to the third seKng. Press Bu0on 1 again to go back to the first seKng.
5 Programming your Shu/le device
This secAon describes the operaAons that can be performed from the ApplicaAon SeKng Menu
in detail. Please note that each of these operaAons has an effect on the applicaAon seKngs for all
Shu0le devices and that any changes you perform will take effect immediately.
Before going through the contents of this secAon, open the Contour Shu0le ApplicaAon (refer to
secAon 2.2 for guidance on how to accomplish this).
5.1 CreaIng New SeKngs
5.1.1 New SeKngs
New Se.ngs..
o p t i o n ( F i g u r e 5 . 1 . 1 ) allows you to
create new seKngs for any applicaAon on your computer. This
applicaAon should meet at least one of the following criteria:
Allow keyboard shortcuts to various funcAons within the
Support scrolling and/or moving along Ame lines or frames.
Before we describe how to do this, here are a couple of Aps for creaAng new seKngs from
Figure 5.1.1