2.3 Contour Shuttle Application Components
2.3.1 Application Settings Column
The ApplicaAon SeKngs Column of the Contour Shu0le applicaAon shows you the selecAon of all
the currently installed applicaAon seKngs. To view or customize an applicaAon seKng, click to
select it in the menu.
This menu stores all currently installed applicaAon seKngs. In order to view or customize an
applicaAon seKng you will have to first select it through this menu.
All Applica(ons
(called Global SeKngs in previous versions of the soOware) selecAon is the
default for when the applicaAon in use does not have specific seKngs assigned. For example,
Apple’s SAckies program does not have specific seKngs assigned to it. Whenever the SAckies
program is being used, the Shu0le device reverts to the All ApplicaAons seKng. Dot Icon Menu
The Dot Icon (Figure which is located in the bo0om leO of the Shu0le applicaAon window,
has a pop up menu which allows you to show only seKngs for applicaAons on your Mac, revert to
the default seKngs, create new seKngs, import and export seKngs, remove, rename and create
a visual map of the bu0on assignments. This menu can also be toggled by right-‐clicking (Control-‐
clicking) the applicaAon icon of an applicaAon seKng in the Shu0le applicaAon.
Show Installed Apps Only
can be toggled to list only the seKngs for applicaAons which
are installed on your specific Mac. For instance, if you do not have Adobe Premiere
installed, it will not show up in the ApplicaAon SeKngs column with this opAon toggled