The Shu0le device
allows you to manage a specific configuraAon of your Shu0le
device for every applicaAon you have on your computer.
The soOware will automaAcally select the appropriate configuraAon according to the current
acAve applicaAon.
The installaAon package provides pre-‐installed seKngs (factory seKngs) for many common
applicaAons; you can modify these seKngs at any Ame and/or create new seKngs for other
applicaAons, through the Shu0le device Control Panel.
1.1 Installing Shuttle Device Software
Download the latest Shu0le drivers from
It is recommended that you
install the soNware before plugging
your Shu0le device into
any available USB port. Shu0le devices are “plug and play”: there is no need to shut down and
restart your computer when you plug or unplug the device from a USB port. You must also
uninstall any previous Shu0le soOware (notably Version 2.2 or earlier) before you install Version 3.
System Requirements for Shu/le Device Driver v3
System running Mac OS X 10.7 or later.
Available USB port. (A direct USB port connecAon is desirable, but a hub connecAon
will also work. Contour recommends using powered hubs and against using conversion
devices, such as USB adapters.)
9.3 MB of hard disk space for the Shu0le device driver installaAon.
64-‐bit Intel processor
If you are using Mac OS X version 10.6 or earlier, please download and install Version 2.21 of our
driver at