2.3.2 Device Selection Menu
This menu is useful if you have more than one Shu0le device plugged into your computer: it
allows you to select which Shu0le device applicaAon seKngs to display and manage. Only one (1)
of each device can be plugged in.
2.3.3 User Action Menu
This menu allows you to choose which bu0on(s) or feature(s) you wish to program. You can
select any of the bu0ons, Jog right or leO, Shu0le posiAons and transiAons.
Shu0le posiAons are points set in intervals along the right and leO (clockwise and
counterclockwise) sides of the Shu0le Knob. The Shu0le ring has seven (7) disAnct zones in each
direcAon and a rest zone.
Shu0le transiAons are points in between Shu0le posiAons.
When you select a bu0on(s) or feature(s) to program, its locaAon on the Shu0le device is
displayed below the User AcAon Menu.
The primary bu0ons, Jog direcAons and Shu0le posiAons can be accessed more easily by
clicking the desired bu0on or moving the Jog or Shu0le on the device itself. This will
automaAcally bring its opAon up in the User AcAon Menu. In order to access the Shu0le
transiAons, you MUST use the pull-‐down menu.
2.3.4 Computer Response Menu
In the Computer Response Menu, you can choose a funcAon that you want a bu0on or other
feature to perform:
Do Nothing
means that the bu0on or other feature will do nothing.
Same as Lower Value
will perform the same funcAon as the immediately previous
command on the shu0le knob. This command is
allowed on the Shu0le posiAons.
Switch seKngs
allows you to define any of the Shu0le components to perform as