3.4 Modifying ExisIng SeKngs
This secAon explains how to modify the funcAons of the Shu0le device for exisAng applicaAon
Note: It’s good pracIce to Duplicate any seKngs (Right-‐click or Control-‐Click the
seKng you want to clone, and choose Duplicate SeKngs in the menu) instead of modifying the
original, as there is no way to revert back to the original seKng.
Click on the applicaAon seKng you wish to modify.
Choose the bu0on or dial seKng you want to change, and modify its seKng in the right-‐
hand part of the Contour Shu0le applicaAon window.
Repeat for any other bu0on(s) or dial seKngs.
Once you have completed your changes, close the Contour Shu0le applicaAon and start using
your Shu0le device. The new seKngs will take effect immediately. (There is no need to restart the
computer or save the seKngs.)
you can always remove the seKng and re-‐import it to reverse your changes later.
3.5 Programming “All ApplicaIons” SeKngs
All Applica(ons
is a seKng that the Shu0le device uses ONLY for applicaAons that do not have
specific seKngs listed in the seKngs list. This was called Global SeKngs in earlier versions of the
Shu0le soOware (Version 2.2 and earlier).
When you open the Contour Shuttle applicaAon, All ApplicaAons is always selected in the
ApplicaAon SeKng column by default, all Shu0le components listed in All ApplicaAons are set to
Type Keystroke, with the empty Keystroke field.
However, All ApplicaAons can be used to close applicaAons and/or for scrolling purposes. For
example, you could assign:
Q (close the current window) to a bu0on,