warranty please email:
10.3 SoNware License Agreement
By installing the downloaded soOware you agree to the following license agreement:
Grant of License
-‐ Contour Design, Inc. (“Contour”) grants you this non-‐exclusive license to use
the accompanying downloaded soOware subject to the restricAons set forth below.
-‐ The accompanying soOware (the "downloaded soOware") is/was offered via
Internet pages for download as updates, uAliAes and amendments to exisAng Contour hardware
products (the "original hardware").
RestricIons on Use
-‐ You may install and use one copy of the downloaded soOware program(s)
on a single computer. You may not lend, rent, lease, or transfer this downloaded soOware to
another party at any Ame. InstallaAon on a computer that may be concurrently accessed by
more than one user requires a separate license for each acAve user connected to a computer on
which the soOware is installed. You may not modify, reverse engineer, de-‐compile, or disassemble
the downloaded soOware.
-‐ The downloaded soOware is owned by Contour or its suppliers and is protected by
copyright laws and internaAonal treaAes.
-‐ This license is effecAve unAl terminated. You may terminate it at any Ame by destroying
the downloaded soOware together with all copies in any form. It will also terminate if you fail to
comply with any term or condiAon of this Agreement. You agree upon such terminaAon to
destroy the downloaded soOware together with all copies in any form.
Limited Warranty
-‐ Contour assumes responsibility and warranty only for the shape of the
soOware when transferred by Contour to the Internet. All faults occurring as a consequenAal
result of Internet disseminaAon and the process of downloading are at customer's own risk. This
downloaded soOware is provided "as is" and without any warranty and liability whatsoever.
Contour does not warrant that the funcAons contained in the SoOware will meet your
requirements or that the operaAon of the SoOware will be uninterrupted or error free. You