Apex-0698-Part 2: Apex-trak
Part 2
5. Use the <BKSP> key to delete unwanted characters.
The character to the left of the cursor is replaced by a blank each time the
<BKSP> key is pressed.
B a r c o d e P r i n t i n g
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H e a d e r 1
C O M P S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. Type line 1 of the tag header as you want it to print.
Characters are displayed as keyed. If the header uses all 16 spaces, the next
screen is automatically displayed.
B a r c o d e P r i n t i n g
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H e a d e r 1
Y O U R C O M P A N Y _ _ _ _
Otherwise, press <ENTER>.
The Header 2 screen displays the second line of the header for the current
B a r c o d e P r i n t i n g
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H e a d e r 2
O p t i o n a l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
When the program encounters OPTIONAL, a software routine is executed to print the Field Name associated
with the printed bar code. Refer to Table 3-2, Table 3-3, and Table 3-4 for names assigned to data fields when
the Apex II is delivered.
7. Use the <BKSP> key to delete unwanted characters. Then type line 2 of the tag header as you want it to
Characters are displayed as typed. If the new line 2 tag header used all 16 spaces, the Set Options menu
(page 22) is displayed.
8. If necessary, press <ENTER>.
The Set Options menu (page 22) is displayed.
If the header in Step 6 is set to something other than OPTIONAL, identical headers are printed
each time you print a bar code while in the current program.
For example, in Asset Inventory, the Major Division, Minor Division, and Item Number would
each have identical headers.
Upload Options
This procedure is performed to change settings to transfer data from the Apex II to the PC from an RS-232 cable
directly to the PC, or from an RS-232 cable via a keyboard wedge.
Perform the following procedure from the Set Options menu (page 22).
1. Press the <U> key.
The Data Upload screen is displayed.
D a t a U p l o a d
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H o s t C o n n e c t i o n
( R S - 2 3 2 ) W e d g e _