Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 7
SPVC and SVC Commands
Clear Connection
Delete a call—either all SVCs or a specific SVC on a port. (If you attempt to clear an SPVC with this
command, the switch deletes the connection but then automatically attempts to reroute it. For an SPVC
or SPVP, use delcon so you can delete the endpoints.)
Cards on Which This Command Runs
clrpncon <portid>
{all | vpi}
Syntax Description
Related Commands
dsppncon, dspncons
The portid represents the PNNI physical port and has the format
[shelf.]slot[:subslot].port[:subport]. See also
PNNI Format, page 7-4
all | vpi
Specifies either all VPIs on the port or a specific VPI.
Possible values are either the string “all” or a VPI in the range 0–4095.
VCI of a specific SVC to clear. If you are clearing a virtual path connection
(VPC), do not enter a VCI.
Log: log
State: active
Privilege: SUPER_GP