Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 6
Logical Node, Port, and Signaling Commands
Display Port ID Maps—display physical port ID to logical port ID mapping.
The dsppnportidmaps command lets you display the mapping of physical port identifiers (portIDs) to
logical port identifiers. The purpose of having logical port IDs is that some command require the logical
port ID. The displayed information consists of:
Physical port ID in the format slot[:subslot].port[:subport]
Logical port ID in decimal format
Logical port ID in hexadecimal format
Operational state of the port
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Syntax Description
This command takes no parameters.
Related Commands
Display the mapping of physical port IDs to the logical IDs on the switch. Note that the switch has not
generated a logical ID for port 2:2.2:1 because the port is still in the provisioning state.
8850_NY.7.PXM.a > dsppnportidmaps
Port Id Logical ID (Dec) Logical ID (Hex) OperStatus
7.35 17251107 1073b23 up
7.36 17251108 1073b24 up
7.37 17251109 1073b25 up
7.38 17251110 1073b26 up
1:2.1:1 16848897 1011801 up
2:2.2:1 n/a n/a provisioning
3:1.1:1 16979969 1031801 up
8850_NY.7.PXM.a >
Log: nolog State: active, standby
Privilege: SUPER_GP