Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 5
PNNI Commands
Usage Guidelines
PNNI includes a protocol for routing the topology state. This protocol advertises details about the peer
group links and nodes. Links and nodes are assigned attributes that can be used to diagnose and tune
network behavior.
The administrative weight (AW) for a port is an integer that has no units of measure. The switch
compares the sum of all AWs along a path with the sum of all AWs along another path to determine
which path is more cost-effective. You can specify one AW for all classes of service, or you can specify
an AW for each class of service. The AW for all (-awall) overrides the AW for an individual class.
The AW parameter influences how PNNI selects a path within a peer group and therefore how it
distributes SVCs and SPVCs. PNNI route selection can also use AW to exclude certain links from
routing. For example, it can define a backup link for use only when insufficient bandwidth is available
on the primary link.
Related Commands
Specify the following AWs on port 4:1.1:11.
The AW for real time variable bit rate is 11040.
The AW for non-real time variable bit rate is 20040.
The AW for unspecified bit rate is 1040.
Use the dsppnni-intf command to display the configuration.
SanJose.7.PXM.a > cnfpnni-intf 4:1.1:11 -awrtvbr 11040 -awnrtvbr 20040 -awubr 1040
SanJose.7.PXM.a > dsppnni-intf 4:1.1:11
Physical port id: 4: 1.1:11 Logical port id: 17045515
Aggr token.......... 0 AW-NRTVBR........... 20040
AW-CBR.............. 5040 AW-ABR.............. 5040
AW-RTVBR............ 11040 AW-UBR.............. 1040
SanJose.7.PXM.a >
Log: log
State: active
Privilege: SUPER_GP