Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 5
PNNI Commands
This example shows the cnfpnni-timer command line that is set with the following parameter values:
The node broadcasts Hello packets every 1.2 seconds.
The node broadcasts Hello packets every 1.2 seconds.
The node Hello timer is 15 seconds.
The node hello-inactivity-factor is 5 seconds.
The node recreates PTSEs every 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
The node evaluates the initial PTSE lifetime by multiplying the ptse-refresh-interval (1800 seconds)
by 200.
The node retransmits every 5 seconds.
If the node broadcasts a PTSE and the PTSE is not acknowledged, the node waits 1 second to
rebroadcast its PTSE.
The node multiplies an algorithm by 3% to determine the value that qualifies as a significant change
for AvCR parameters.
The node multiplies an algorithm by 50% to determine the value that qualifies as the minimum
threshold for significant change of AvCR parameters.
The node multiplies an algorithm by 25% to determine the value that qualifies as a significant
change for CDV parameters.
The node multiplies an algorithm by 50% to determine the value that qualifies as a significant
change for CTD parameters.
You can confirm your settings with the related command dsppnni-timer.
SanJose.7.PXM.a > cnfpnni-timer 1 -ptseHolddown 120 -helloHolddown 120 -helloInterval 15
-helloInactivity-factor 5 -horizontalLinkInactivityTime 10 -ptseRefreshInterval 1800
-ptseLifetimeFactor 200 -retransmitInterval 50 -ptseDelayedAckInterval 10 -avcrPm 3
-avcrMt 50 -cdvPm 25 -ctdPm 50
SanJose.7.PXM.a > dsppnni-timer 1
node index: 1
Hello holddown(100ms)... 12 PTSE holddown(100ms)... 12
Hello int(sec).......... 15 PTSE refresh int(sec).. 1800
Hello inactivity factor. 5 PTSE lifetime factor... 200
Retransmit int(sec)..... 5
AvCR proportional PM.... 3 CDV PM multiplier...... 25
AvCR minimum threshold.. 50 CTD PM multiplier...... 50
Peer delayed ack int(100ms)................... 10
Logical horizontal link inactivity time(sec).. 10
Geneva.7.PXM.a >