Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 2
Shelf Management Commands
SVC Interface Configure
Configure IP-related parameters for the SVCs that support network control at a workstation.The
configuration applies to all the SVCs on one of the three physical port types. Note that a complete
configuration requires you to execute svcifconfig twice. The first execution identifies the ATM
end-station address (AESA) and encapsulation type at the router end. The second execution identifies
the AESA—but no encapsulation type—for the switch.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
svcifconfig <interface
<router | local> <svc_address
[atmarp | noatmarp]
[llcencap | vcmux]
[default | nodefault]
Syntax Description
Enter all keywords in their entirety.
Alphanumeric string identify the interface type for the current SVC
configuration. The choices are:
lnPci0 for Ethernet (the default on power-up)
atm0 for the ATM.
sl0 for SLIP
Enter the entire keyword.Where appropriate, each subsequent parameter
description identifies characteristics that depend on the type of interface.
router | local
Specifies whether the AESA corresponds to a router or the local PXM45. Both
router and local ends should be configured. Configure the local end first, then
execute svcifconfig to specify the router end.
You must enter the entirety of one of these keywords. The AESA is an NSAP
address used by the router or the local PXM45.
The NSAP portion for the SVCs that the switch sets up on the specified interface
atmarp | noatmarp
(Optional) This parameter is valid for router AESA configuration only. Enables
or disables ATMARP. For ATMARP to be available, the interface must support
ARP (see ipifconfig description).