Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 3
Equipment and Resource Provisioning
Display Card SCT
Displays the contents of a card-level service class template (SCT) file. For information about SCTs, see
the cnfcdsct description. To see the number of the current SCT for the card, use dspcd. The examples in
this description illustrate the contents of SCT number 2 and SCT 3.
Currently, the system does not support certain parameters in the service class templates
(SCTs), so you can specify them through addcon, cnfcon, or Cisco WAN Manager.
These parameters are (when applicable) PCR, SCR, and ICR.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
dspcdsct <parameter_group> [|bw|gen|cosb|vcThr|cosThr ]
Syntax Description
parameter_group can be:
bw for bandwidth
gen for policing and CAC
cosb for Class of Service Buffer specifications
vcThr for VC thresholds
cosThr for COSB thresholds
Related Commands
cnfcdsct, dspsct
Log: no log
State: active, standby
Privilege: ANYUSER