Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 3
Equipment and Resource Provisioning
Display Line
Display the characteristics of a physical line.
The connection count includes control VCs when you use dspln on a service module. However, when
you use dspcd or dsppnport(s) on the CLI of the PXM, the display does not include control VCs.
Cards on Which This Command Runs
AXSM Syntax
dspln <-ds3 | -sonet> <bay.line>
AXSM Syntax Description
Related Commands
upln, cnfln
Display T3 line 1 on the current AXSM.
MGX8850.11.AXSM.a > dspln -ds3 1.1
Line Number : 1.1
Admin Status : Down Alarm Status : Clear
Line Type : ds3cbitadm Number of ports : 0
Line Coding : ds3B3ZS Number of partitions: 0
Line Length(meters) : 0 Number of SPVC : 0
OOFCriteria : 3Of8Bits Number of SPVP : 0
AIS c-Bits Check : Check Number of SVC : 0
Loopback : NoLoop
Xmt. Clock source : localTiming
Rcv FEAC Validation : 4 out of 5 FEAC codes
Command delineator that precedes the bay.line number entry for a T3 line.
Command delineator that precedes the bay.line number entry for a SONET line.
Identifies the bay (1 or 2) and the number of the line. The line number is from 1 to the
highest numbered line on the back card. For the range of line numbers on specific
AXSM models, see
Table 3-1
Log: no log
State: active, standby
Privilege: ANYUSER