Cisco MGX 8850 Routing Switch Command Reference
Release 2.0, Part Number 78-10467-04 Rev C0, October 2001
Chapter 3
Equipment and Resource Provisioning
Display Ports
Displays general information about all logical ports on the card. On the AXSM, the information consists
of the following for each logical port:
Logical port number (ifNum). On the AXSM, for example, the range is 1–60.
Physical line number in the format bay.port.
Operation status—whether the port is up or down.
The minimum guaranteed rate in cells per second.
The maximum allowed rate for the port in cells per second.
The ID of the port-level SCT (see addport).
The VPI number (applies only where virtual NNIs are available).
Cards on Which This Command Runs
Related Commands
addport, cnfport, delport, dspport
Display the logical ports on the current AXSM. Note that if no SCT file had been specified for a
particular logical port (ifNum), the output gives a warning about the default SCT file usage for that port.
See also the description for the cnfcdsct command.
MGX8850.1.AXSM.a > dspports
ifNum Line Oper. Guaranteed Maximum sctID ifType VPI
Status Rate Rate (VNNI only)
----- ---- ------ ---------- --------- --------------------- ------ ---------
1 1.1 Up 10000 10000 4 UNI 0
2 1.2 Down 10000 10000 4 UNI 0
3 1.3 Down 10000 10000 4 VNNI 1
4 1.3 Down 10000 10000 0 !DefaultSCT used! VNNI 2 UNI 0
Log: no log
State: active, standby
Privilege: ANYUSER