Cisco 1240 Connected Grid Router Hardware Installation Guide
Chapter 3 Router Hardware Description
Hardware Features Detailed Description
setting indicates that the normal router operating condition is that no electrical
current is passing through the alarm circuits (DRY contact open). If an electrical current is detected
(DRY contact closed), an alarm is generated.
Output Alarm Trigger Settings
Normally Open (NO)
—This setting depends on the pinout of the cable that is connected to the
alarm port. See the
“Connector and Cable Specifications”
appendix for details.
Normally Closed (NC)
—This setting depends on the pinout of the cable that is connected to the
alarm port. See the
“Connector and Cable Specifications”
appendix for details.
If interfaces fail or other non-fatal errors occur, the alarm port does not respond. Continue to use SNMP
to manage these types of errors.
Due to the RJ-45 pin spacing, the alarm port does not support AC signaling.
Module Slots
The router has four module slots to support installation of up to four compatible Cisco Connected Grid
modules, for additional router WAN and NAN interfaces. Modules should be installed in the slots
according to the module slot numbers shown in
Figure 3-14
and the
“Module Installation Locations”
section on page 9-3
. For more information about installing modules, see the corresponding installation
and configuration guide for each module at:
Module Numbering
The system software uses a module numbering scheme to identify router components, including the
modules. Some system software commands refer to module numbers. The numbers refer to the following
router hardware components:
The router supervisor engine (located on the CPU motherboard) is referred to as module 1.
The router’s integrated Ethernet switch module, which has four Fast Ethernet ports and two Gigabit
Ethernet ports, is referred to as module 2.
Modules are installed in the router module slots numbered 1–3 (see
Figure 3-14
for module slot
numbering). For information on the module (3G, WPAN, WiMAX) to slot allocation, see the
“Module Installation Locations” section on page 9-3
Connector type
Alarm input
8 volts @ 1 mA
Alarm output
30 volts @ 1 A