© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06 ●
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Brüel & Kjær Vibro
Instruction VC-1800 Series
Installation and Operation of VIBROCONTROL
Relays will only be available at a particular output (terminal) if a relay was assigned to that output
during configuration. For a detailed description about how to configure the outputs of the VC-18xx,
please read section 6.4 of this manual.
The alarm relays are non-insulated MOSFET relays that will
work only with positive voltages. Excessive current and/or
voltage will damage the relay. For this reason please do not
apply any power source directly to the relay. Protect the relay
with a resistor in series to limit the current.
The following conditions for the relays should not be
exceeded in your application:
- Type:
Open drain
- Isolation voltage
30 V
- Maximum current load
100 mA
- Max load voltage
+28 V
Further specifications:
- Series resistance
< 12.9 Ω
- Leakage current
max. 10 µA