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© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06
Technical alterations reserved!
General for VIBROCONTROL 1850
The VIBROCONTROL 1850 vibration monitor has four inputs for accelerometers.
Functions of VIBROCONTROL 1850
The VIBROCONTROL 1850 vibration monitor provides two independent frequency bands (band 1
and band 2) for each vibration measurement channel:
Band 1 and band 2:
Full scale in True RMS, Peak or Peak-to-Peak values of the momentary vibration parameters
acceleration (m/s
), speed (mm/s) or displacement (µm);
Band-pass filters for selection within the ranges:
Band 1:
0.1 to 1500.0 Hz or 5.0 to 11500.0 Hz; 10 Hz
– 1000 Hz,
Band 2:
2 kHz - 10 kHz
Alert alarm and Danger alarm limits can be configured.
Default setting:
Alert alarm is 7.1 mm/s; Danger alarm is 11.0 mm/s.
Band 2 only:
Two separate envelope detectors. Each envelope detector has its own band-pass filter. Each
envelop analyzer has its own Alert and Danger alarms.
Crest factor detector with Alert and Danger alarms
Kurtosis detector with Alert and Danger alarms
General for ALL VIBROCONTROL VC-18xx:
An individual Alert or Danger alarm can be assigned to each vibration parameter. If an Alert or
Danger alarm occurs, the corresponding LED is lit:
Green = No alarm, Yellow = Alert alarm and
= Danger alarm
The Alert and/or Danger alarms can be configured as "Low Level" or "High Level" alarms.
The Alert and/or Danger alarms can be set to latching or non-latching.
This setting of an alarm
can only be changed by the software
(Compact Setup or Compact Analyzer).
Four independent configurable outputs (terminals # 9, # 10, # 11 and # 12), can be defined as
relay outputs
(for Alert or Danger alarm) or as
analog outputs
. Each of the outputs can have any
(or just any one) of the following functions:
~ Solid-state relay. When the relay is enabled, a message (warning light, signal tone) can be sent
or the machine can be shut down.
~ Analog DC current output: 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA;
The default value is 4-20 mA
~ Analog DC voltage output: 0-10 V or 2-10 V
The default value is 2-10 V