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© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06
Technical alterations reserved!
On the front of the VC-1850/60/70 there are two connections marked
"S-485" and "USB" for connecting to the corresponding interface of a PLC, PC or
VIBROCONTROL 1803 Ethernet-Bridge.
The VIBROCONTROL 18xx device has no internal forced ventilation. This device has no
external ventilation requirements as long as the surface temperature during operation does not
exceed the maximum ambient temperature value T
stated elsewhere in this manual in section
11: "Technical Data."
10.6 AC -2114 Protective Housing with Viewing Window
The AC-2114 is a protective housing with a lid used to install electronic measurement equipment
(e.g. VC-1800 series).
For further information on the AC-2114, refer to the corresponding operating manual.