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© Brüel & Kjær Vibro
● C106834.002 / V06
Technical alterations reserved!
VIBROCONTROL 1850: Setting of Band-Pass Filter 2
- 5 Hz to 10 kHz:
The filter range is used mainly in band 2 for high-frequency vibration monitoring of rolling
element bearings with a CCS accelerometer.
The default is a band-pass filter from 2000.0 Hz to 10000.0 Hz.
Depending on the application, the VIBROCONTROL 18xx has three signal detectors to select from:
True RMS detector (true root mean square value):
By default the detector for any band is pre-set to "RMS."
The only additional parameter that will have to be set is the RMS Averaging Time (in seconds),
which may have a value between 0.1 and 60.0 seconds. By default the value of the RMS
Averaging Time is pre-set to: 3 seconds.
Peak value detector
The Peak detector has two additional parameters that will have to be set:
Attack time (in milliseconds):
The attack time may have a value between 0.1 and 1000.0 milliseconds. Typical time is 1.0
Decay time (in seconds):
The decay time may have a value between 0.1 and 20.0 seconds.
Typical decay time 3 seconds