Use of the control
Component detail view
Page 60
BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
Fig. 5.19: Component detail view - equipment
The first tile " Equipment information " contains general information about the
equipment module (Modbus Interface Module 2.0), to which all equipments on
the tiles to the right are connected. These display values include the editable
name of the equipment group, the software version of the mode and any mes-
sages that occur in the equipment group.
All other tiles in the component details view contain the basic setup of the indi-
vidual components that are connected to the module and registered. The
setup is usually carried out during commissioning of the control, but subse-
quent adjustments are also possible, for example, if a new equipment is added
to the network or if basic adjustments are to be made.
Here is a brief description of the contents of the equipment tiles that must be
configured for accessory setup.
IO details
Each individual equipment tile is marked with the heading "IO details".
The name of the equipment can be freely defined, on the first equipment tile
in the figure on page 60 it is "AI_1" (for analog input 1). The choice of the con-
nection of the components on the equipment module already determines
whether it is an analog or digital input or output.
For analog inputs and outputs, the type of sensor is then defined via the unit
(e.g. room temperature sensor by defining the unit "Temperature" and "°C").
This is not possible with digital inputs and outputs. For these, however, infor-
mation on the message link must be provided.
The raw value and, if necessary, the scaling (not for digital inputs and outputs)
must also be entered based on the information on the sensor.
Risk of faults in the compressed airnet due to incorrect settings!
Incorrect or unqualified settings for equipment can lead to faults in the com-
pressed airnet.
The settings in the component detail view may only be carried out by
BOGE service personnel or qualified persons who have received BOGE
training on this control.