Use of the control
General system settings
Page 64
BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
System settings
The basic configuration of
airtelligence provis 3
is done in the system set-
tings area.
Fig. 5.22: System settings
A brief description of the contents and functions follows:
The password for the user is only created initially by the administrator.
Only the user himself is authorized to change his password after the admin-
istrator has set up his profile.
The immediate change of the password by the user is recommended.
To do so, the user must log in once with the password that was initially set
by the administrator. For registration proceed according to „Excursus: Login
/ logout with username and password“, page 18.
Then click again on the Login
symbol, which now shows the user level
below. Enter the desired new password twice into the left area of the win-
dow that has opened.Finally, enter the old password. Acknowledge with
check button
. Thus the new password was set.
All system-relevant and sensitive configuration options in this area can only
be accessed after login (at least Level "Service").
Risk of faults in the compressed airnet due to incorrect settings!
Incorrect or unqualified settings in this area can cause faults in the control
behavior of the control.
The settings in the system settings may only be carried out by BOGE ser-
vice personnel or qualified persons who have received BOGE training on
this control system.