BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
Page 49
Use of the control
Compressed airnet view
above it, cancels the validity of the basic profile for the period Saturday and
Sunday. Volume "flow" as the basic profile is therefore not "always" valid, but
only from Monday to Friday.
If, for example, another profile is to be set up that is only valid for several hours
on Sunday, then it would have to be placed at the top of the "Wochenende"
(weekend) profile to override all other profiles for the Sunday period.
To move a profile to another position and change the hierarchy of the profiles:
Tap / click into area ( 3 ), press and hold and drag the profile to the desired
position with your finger or mouse.
Create / delete / deactivate profiles
To facilitate the creation of profiles, profiles can be created very intuitively and
quickly. Any profile, including the basic profile, which is always available, can
serve as a basis for this. The profiles can simply be copied and then modified,
if necessary. It is also possible to copy a profile from one compressed airnet,
e.g. from "airnet 1 (Arbeitsluft)" (working air) into another compressed airnet.
Profiles can also be deleted or deactivated just as quickly. The action buttons
for editing profiles in this way are marked with the numbers (4), (5) and (6) in
the figure „Profile arrangement“, page 48. The contents of these buttons have
the following functions:
Tab. 5.3: Buttons (4), (5) and (6) in calendar display
The profile at the top cancels all profiles positioned below for the set time
Action by selection
The profile becomes the basic profile of the net (it then also shifts downwards in the visual
A copy of the profile is created in the same compressed airnet (for example, to process it
further and develop a new profile).
A copy of the profile is copied into any available compressed airnet (after selecting the sym-
bol, a list of all compressed airnets registered by airtelligence provis 3 appears, from which
the desired net can be selected).
The profile is deleted (this function is not available for the basic profile).
A new profile is created.
Deactivate profile -> Profile is grayed out and no longer considered.
Activate profile -> Profile is saturated in black and considered.
(This button / function is not available for the basic profile).