BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
Page 61
Use of the control
General system settings
For the accessories to be recognized by
airtelligence provis 3
, the "Active"
check mark must be set.
A check mark at "Used in diagram" means that the equipment is displayed in
the DIN, 2D and 3D view.
Communication settings
Definition of the communication settings for the Modbus Interface Module 2.0
of the equipments.
This includes the connection type according to the list specification, which can
be called up via the 3-point symbol. In addition, the IP settings of the equip-
ment module must be specified for an internal technology network or, if appli-
cable, an external customer network.
5.4 General system settings
Using the general system settings, the basic configuration of the control can
be adapted to the customer's compressed air supply. In addition to the user
administration, which can be created and maintained by the administrator
(with user level
), this area contains the basic settings of
provis 3
("System Settings") and the compressed airnet configuration, in
which new components can be searched for and registered components can
be assigned to the individual compressed airnets.
The name of the equipment should be unique in order to quickly identify it.
For example, if "AI_1" is a sensor that measures the room temperature, a
possible name would be "Roomtemp_Airnet 1".
Settings in "System settings" and "Airnet configuration" can only be
changed after login (at least "Service" level).
It is only possible to change the user administration after login with level