BOGE compressor control airtelligence provis 3
Page 23
Basic knowledge of control
4.4 Symbols
A recurring symbolism is used on the user interface of the control to facilitate
orientation. On the one hand, connected components can be quickly identi-
fied. On the other hand, it helps to quickly determine the status of the con-
nected components.
General symbols for
The connected components, which are registered by the control, are shown in
3 main product groups:
Tab. 4.4: General symbols
Special symbols for
components - compres-
The symbols in the following table provide special information on the activity
or operating status of a compressor. The symbols are dynamic, i.e. they
change depending on their state. The master control receives this information
from the subordinate (slave) compressor controls.
The normal state is, that the connected compressors are controlled according
to the specifications of
airtelligence provis 3.
In this case the symbols for the
activity state appear fully saturated black and white (see column 1 of the fol-
lowing table).
However, it is also possible that the compressors have been enabled by
telligence provis 3
(see operating mode "All released") or are inactive for
them and therefore assume a passive status (Activation and deactivation via
the "Manipulation: Force / forbid release" in „Component detail view - com-
pressor“, see also page 57). In these cases, the slave compressor controls
take over the regulation of their compressors again. The master control no lon-